Best mid-range smartphone processors

As you know flagship devices get a lot of attention but not everybody buys a flagship device. in fact in the mid-range there are millions and millions of handsets sold every year. so if you are going to buy a mid-range device, what mobile processor should you use? today I want to look at all the different options you have when it comes to mid-range mobile processors and let's see which one is the best. 

Mid range processor

We're talking flagship we might be talking about let's say a qualcomm snapdragon 845 or the latest processor from samsung in its ex-nurse range or the latest keyring like the quirian 980.

But when we're talking about mid races a whole different set of options that are available now. when we say a mobile process of what we really mean is a system on a chip, which means it's made up of various different components including the CPU the GPU.

 There'll be an LTE modem in there which will allow you to have different transfer speeds for upload and for download and of course it's made using a manufacturing process, which we measure in nanometers. Now the lower the nano meters the better the potential performance and the potential battery  efficiency.

4 Main mid range processors

 Now there are four main players when it comes to the mid-range of course there is qualcomm with their Snapdragon range mainly of the chips they have in their 600 series. there are a whole bunch of processes available from mediatek including their X range and their P range.

 There are some chips from Samsung and there are a couple of chips also from Huawei. so I want to look at all these different manufacturers and let's see who offers the best mobile processor for the mid-range so let's take a look at the different process that Qualcomm offer in the mid-range so at the low end of the mid-range Qualcomm offer the Snapdragon 6-3 - it's an optical processor with 4 cortex a 73 calls and 4 cortex a53 calls.

 You have a fifth-generation Adreno GPU though a low-end. one you only get support for lpddr3. it's low-power ddr3. it also has an X 9 LTE modem which offers 300 megabits per second download and I had 50 megabits per second upload.
Best mid range smartphone processor

 It supports quick charge 3 blue to 5 and it's built using a 14 nanometer process moving higher up the range. you have the Snapdragon 636 which again has an octa-core set up with quarters a 73 and called it's a 53. there's a slightly better GPU. you've got support.

 Now for a lpddr4 ram, you have a better modem which has download speeds up to 600 megabits per second and then really the top of the range. when it comes to the Snapdragon 600 series is the 670 which has got an octa-core configuration, but  it's slightly different.

 Now there are two high performance calls as 2/4 a 75 calls and six energy efficient calls. that's based on the Quartus a 55 but they also include a sixth-generation Adreno GPU and then very much the same here for the 670 compared to the 660 lpddr4 at 1.8 gigahertz.

You've got the same x12 modem however one important thing is it's built on 10 nanometers. it's also worth mentioning the Snapdragon 710 it in a series of its own the 700 series. however is very similar to the 670 but just slightly better for example. the 2 cortex a 75 cores are clocked at 2.2 gigahertz compared to 2 gigahertz.

 The Adreno is now a 6 1 6 compared to a 6 1 5 and there's also a better LTE modem give you the  possibility of up to 800 megabits per second download and it's also built on the same 10 nanometer manufacturing process and if we look at the relative performance of the Snapdragon processors.

Snapdragon processor analysis

We can see the 710 is the best the 670 is next. the 660 after that and then so on as you go down the range so basically the higher the number the better overall performance you're going to get. so basically as you go through the range at the lower end of the mid-range, you've got slightly weaker CPUs. you've got slightly weaker GPUs you've got support for only ddr3 lpddr3 memory and you've got that weaker LTE modem as you go up through the range then you have been CPU better GPU better memory support better LT modems and of course built on a much newer fabrication process.

 So Qualcomm isn't the only company that offers mid-range mobile process. if that mediatek have really made a name for themselves in the mid-range. let's have a look at some of their processes. so at the bottom of the range you get the p25 the P 23 and the P 22 and they are all based on the cortex a53. so there's no high performance court.
Best mid range smartphone processor

 Here they're all based on energy efficient calls and the interesting thing is here is that they all have different GPUs in them. so the p25 has got a Mali t88 with two calls. the P 23 is actually got a newer GPU core with the our Mali g71 a game with two calls and the P 22 actually uses a GPU from imagination that's the power VR GPU and as you can see they've all got kind of very much low end LT modems 300 megabits a second download 150 megabits per second upload and they're all built on the 16 nanometer process except for the P 22 which has actually gone down to a 12 nanometer process.

Mediatek processor analysis

 More interesting is the P 60 and the X 30. now the P 60 has got four quarters a seventy three cores and four cortex a53 course that's similar to what we are finding in some of the Qualcomm processors. it's got a three core Mali g72 GPU and still got that similar kind of LT modem but now on 12 nanometers.

 If you want the best of the mid-range that media take have to offer then you go with the X 30 and this is actually a Decker core setup. so there are 10 calls, there are 2 quarters, 73 calls then there are 4 quarters, a 53 calls then there are 4 quarters, a 35 corner.

 The a 35 is even more power efficient than the a 53 really really designed for that kind of eking out. that last bit of energy from the battery and they actually also use their in that processor. another variant of the power VR GPU from imagination importantly. there is a better LTE modem. 

In there you've got 450. it's the second download speeds and is made on ten nanometers which really is an advanced process node for a mid-range processor and if we look at the relative performance of those protestors we can see that the X 30 is clearly the winner then the P 60 and then basically between the P 22. the pre 30 the P 23 and the p25 it's all very much much of a muchness.

 The P 22 is actually slightly better because it built on that newer process node however there isn't really much to between them. samsung also have a range of protists as they offer for the mid-range so let's have a look at those.
Best mid range smartphone processor

  Starting at the bottom with the Exynos 5 hexa 7 8 7 - that's a hexa-core processor got two quarters a 73 s4 court. it's 850 threes it's only got a 1 core Mali g71 GPU. so gaming performance is going to be fairly low here for 3d gaming for things like candy crush and things like that it really won't make any difference.

 You have 14 nanometer manufacturing process going up further you've got to octa core processors. the 9 6 10 which has got 4 court. it's a 73 and for cortex a53 moly g72 we have three calls and the cat 12 mode in which gives you 6 and Omega bits a second and it's built at that 10 nanometer process and then you've got the 7 8 8 5 which has got to causes a 73 calls and six quarters a 33 called similar to what we found at the upper end of the Snapdragon range.

 Then you've got the Mali g71 with 2 calls but you've got that same LTE modem at 6 and remove its per second but built on a 14 nanometer process and then our final company is why away with their keyring range they also have some processors aimed squarely at the mid-range. at the bottom end you've got the quirian 6 5 9 which is basically an octa-core cortex a53 setup 

So you're not looking at any high performance calls. there you've also got the aging Mali t8 30 GPU and it's built at 16 nanometers. however the quirian 710 is a different story here you have four cortex a7 t3 cause that's the high performance cause for quarters 853 calls and then you have the MA g-51 mp4

The g51 is specifically designed for the mid-range it tries to keep that performance level up high but it also offers great power efficiency you've also got a cat 12 LTE modem. it's eternal megabits per second and the 12 nanometer manufacturing process.
Best mid range smartphone processor

So I've put together a graph the relative performance across CPU and GPU for all these different processors and let's see who comes out on top. so at the top you have the Snapdragon 710. it's almost cheating because it's really in a series of its own nestled there between the 600 series and the 800 series below that you have the media tech X 30.
Best mid range smartphone processor

 The Snapdragon 670 and the Snapdragon 660 and the Kirin 17 all offering relatively similar performance then bang smack in the middle. there you have the P 60 and the external seven octor seven eight eight five.

 Again both of those offering a similar performance. once you go below that into the Snapdragon 636 into the externals five into the quirian 65 nine and then into those media tech chips you really are getting down to the bottom end of the mid-range and you can see quite a difference there between let's say the P 23 and the p 25 and the X 30 and the Snapdragon 710 so hopefully using that graph and using the information I've given you there when you're looking to buy your next smartphone you can quickly see which processor is better in one handset compared to another.

Best mobile processor ranking list

Processor Name
1Apple A13 Bionic
2Snapdragon 865
3Exynos 990
4Dimensity 1000+
5Snapdragon 855 Plus
6Apple A12 Bionic
7kirin 990 5G
8Exynos 9825
9kirin 990
10Exynos 9820
11Snapdragon 855
12Dimensity 1000L
13Apple A11 Bionic
14Snapdragon 845
15Dimensity 820
16kirin 985
17kirin 820
18kirin 980
19Exynos 9810
20Dimensity 800
21Snapdragon 765G
22Apple A10 Fusion
23kirin 810
24Snapdragon 835
25kirin 970
26Exynos 8895
27Helio G90T
28Exynos 980
29Snapdragon 730G
30Apple A9
31Snapdragon 730
32kirin 960
33Helio G80
34Snapdragon 675
35Helio X30
36Snapdragon 712
37Snapdragon 670
38Exynos 8890
39Helio P90
40Snapdragon 710
41Helio P70
42Snapdragon 660
43kirin 955
44Snapdragon 439
45kirin 710
46Helio P60
47kirin 950
48Snapdragon 665
49Snapdragon 636
50Helio X23
51Apple A8
52Snapdragon 632
53Snapdragon 630
54Helio X27
55Helio P23
56Snapdragon 653
57Snapdragon 650
58Helio P35
59Helio P25
60kirin 659
61Snapdragon 652
62Snapdragon 626
63Snapdragon 450
64kirin 658
65kirin 650
66kirin 655
67Snapdragon 625
68kirin 935
69Helio P22
70Helio P30
71Snapdragon 435
72kirin 930
73kirin 928
74Snapdragon 616
75Snapdragon 617
76kirin 925
77kirin 920
 Hopefully that will give you a better overall user experience really hope you enjoyed this article if you did please follow us also please don't forget to comment that you get told every time we will be back with some interesting articles very soon. 
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