The truth about online money making

Is really easy to make money online

alright so in this article we're gonna
have a real discussion that's definitely
 gonna make some people unhappy 
there's a ton of bad information out there 
and there's more and more bad information 
coming out every day if you look through the make money online on YouTube and
pretty much with every social media but
especially with YouTube there's
countless people in every single
specific niche from social media
marketing agencies to shelf I drop
shipping amazon FBA affiliate marketing

Reality behind online money making
pretty much every make money online
space there's this one big lie being put
out there this is the biggest if not the
most dangerous lie that's being put out
in this space and it's destroying so
many people before they even get started
and causing a lot of people to just fail
people are going into the make money
online space with bad expectations and
essentially it's just setting them up
for a lot of pain and hardship there's
so many of these so-called gurus that
are getting online and telling people
that making money online is easy and
this is one of the biggest lies out
there and here's the thing anybody
that's getting online and saying making
money online is easy they're straight up
lying to you and in my opinion it's a
very very dangerous lie

 I've seen this
one line this one belief that making
money online is easy destroy so many
people before they get started and even
the ones that do get started with this
mentality they fail down the road and it
just causes so much pain it's so much
extra money spent. so here we're
just gonna have a real discussion
on my experience with this what I've
seen happen because of this lie
how other people are putting this out.

I'm gonna discuss about how this is
actually legitimately hurting people out
there but then three I'm gonna leave you
with at least leaves some of you with
somewhat of a positive message to take
forward but Before we jump into if you
guys could please do me a huge favor
please smash like button down below this
is definitely one that's probably not
gonna have the greatest like to dislike
ratio because I'm putting out the truth
but if you could and you find value in

Analysis of money making online 

 so first off when
analyzing this line if someone's getting
online saying this you got to analyze
are they saying making money online it's
easy or are they saying making money
online it's simple because those are two
completely different meanings
and with many making money online
Misha's or methods to make money online
the process is very simple. it's a simple
simple process but that absolutely does
not mean it's easy typically it means
it's actually very very hard so
with my experience with making money

 when I got into this space years
ago when I was a firefighter and I was
looking for a way to make extra income I
was looking and scouring the internet
for different making money online
methods and when I was first getting
into this space the method that was
dominating everything out there was
essentially becoming a blogger you
create a blog and then through several
different methods you can go ahead and
monetize that with affiliate links all
of it the whole thing about the the
blogging space and while I was getting
into making money online the expectation
set and the mindset that you had going
into is that it was going to probably
take quite a while is gonna take a while
to essentially build a blog up have the
SEO take place that you were gonna end
up having an audience but it was gonna
take a long time pretty much everybody.

  I was getting into the making money
online space did not think one it was
easy or - it was fast they knew who was
creating a business and growing it over
time now with the chatter and the
competition for attention out there with
all these people trying to sell their
coaching programs there their courses
and all that and there's a lot of good
ones out there but with that competition
for attention people are now putting out
you know this process is easy follow my
method it's easy you'll make money with
this fast and easy and those are just
big lies ever being put out and that's
frankly what I think it really boils
down to I think that's where a lot of
people are coming out and they're saying
what they know to not be true when they
say that it's easy or that it's fast.

they know that to not be true because
for most of them out there it was not
fast and easy for them they're coming on
saying that to essentially have either
one that clickbait or two to get you to
purchase their coaching services
whatever it is they're coming out and
just putting that out there to get you
to believe that everybody wants the fast
and easy process you know everybody
wants to six-pack without actually
putting in the work for the six-pack and
the with your diet and the working out
it's the same
that goes here everybody wants to fast
an easy process. 

they want to make money
online but they want it easy and they
want it fast so that's how this lie gets
perpetuated and this lie gets spread so
fast out there is because people want to
believe it this is one of the biggest
lies out there that people just eat up
I've had so many people come to me over
the last few years with this mentality
that they don't understand why they're
not making it you know I've had people
from that own social media marketing
agencies people and shelf eyedrop saying
I've had so many people come to me and
they're very very very frustrated
because they had this mentality that
they're supposed to be making money
online very very quickly and it's
supposed to be a very easy process this
is one of the first things I typically
work with these people on is to
eliminate this mindset that it's easy
and it should be fast because if you
truly believe that you're not gonna have
success in the space typically I have
seen many people out there that do get
lucky they jump into this space and they
hit the right thing right off the bat
and it just takes off many times they
don't have longevity with that but you
know some people do make it work but
that's definitely a very very very small
percentage of the population of even
those that do make money online what do
you have to understand is the reason why
so many people are getting into the make
money online space and so few people
succeed it's because people are going in
with the wrong mindset of what it
actually takes.

Example of money making online 

 give you a quick
example a couple years ago a guy came to
me for one-on-one mentoring and he
essentially was looking for mentoring on
not just how to make money online but
really the mindset that goes behind it
he was very very frustrated when we
started working together because he'd
been trying all these different methods
out there of making money online and he
was seeing the people online that were
essentially saying it's so easy you can
it should be fast and all that in Justin
who's a very very intelligent guy he was
in college at the time very intelligent
very wise with how he's going about
things and that's what was very
frustrating to him is he was like why is
this working out for other people and
not him here's a thing he kept going and
going going now justin has an extremely
wildly profitable social mating
marketing agencies blown up he's been
very successful in
my space now for well over a year and
that's because he kept going he had the
right mentality he knew that it
shouldn't be fast it shouldn't be easy
that was gonna take time and that's
where I've seen so many people that do
become successful in this space they
have that mindset that it is a business
and it's going to take time it's not
gonna be easy
but if you persist then the fruits of
your labor will come so that then brings
us to should you even believe in the
make money online space absolutely.

there's so many people out there
countless people in every single method
I knew people personally that are
killing it I'm talking making great
great money have essentially the
lifestyles they want in every method
from affiliate marketing social media
marketing agencies to shop fight drop
shipping amazon FBA the list goes on I
know people in all of these that are
doing very very well but almost all of
these it took time or took a lot of work
in that that that goes into a whole
other argument on the the time versus
work but it typically takes one or both
of those things it's these are gonna
take a lot of time we're gonna take a
lot of work or both to actually make it
work and that's where the people that
are jumping into the space thinking that
it's very easy that's a big lie that
will destroy you before you even get
know that the process typically is
pretty simple it's pretty simple you go
through a twosie doing these things you
might have to you know take a do couple
audibles with in there but it's
typically an A to Z process but it's not
an easy one it's it's one that takes a
lot of work and typically takes a lot of
time to actually make it happen but if
you know that you can make it happen.

The three things I like to tell people is
trust in the process know that the
process works trust in the process put
in the effort and work that's where so
many people fail is they don't actually
put in the right amount of effort or the
right effort they're putting too much
work and wrong things and I see this all
the time with dropshippers they're
focusing on the completely wrong things
and it's destroying that before they
even get started and then the third
thing you've got to have patience you've
got to know that it's probably gonna
take time unless you just hit things
right off the bat it's going to take
time but those are the big things if you
trust in the process
you put in the work and then you have
the patience to actually see your your
the fruits of your labor come to
fruition if you have that you will be
successful in this space you will be
successful making money online or
creating any business I mean this really
applies to any business. 
-Mayur Nikure

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