History of YouTube.

Today we are going to discuss about history of YouTube. whenever you wanted to watch a video it had to be on VCR and then later came the DVD player and then we moved over to cable networks. 

Now there's YouTube but only just 25 years ago streaming videos over the Internet was pretty much the stuff of science fiction. the YouTube phenomenon in of itself has only been around for 10 years and already has definitely changed the world. the sheer size and influence of YouTube is truly mind-blowing.

 In this article we'll take a look at exactly how this platform rose to prominence and just how big it is. 

Evolution of YouTube
History of YouTube

so first of all the size, the 7 billion hours of video watched every month also it will take you four straight days of watching just to view the amount of video uploaded every 60 seconds. but surprisingly 80 percent of all YouTube views are outside of the United States of America in terms of size.

 the web YouTube is the third most visited site on the Internet and the second largest search engine on the internet so this gives you a very quick glimpse into how big YouTube actually is right now but where did all this come from and how did this happen. 

well let me tell you a little story in one way it all starts with Elon Musk yes that guy. that is planning to send people to Mars and already has his own space company and the same guy who created the all-electric car company Tesla as impressive as this was prior to all of this.

Who is the founders of YouTube
Founders of YouTube

Elon Musk also co-founder a website called PayPal and as it turns out three employees of PayPal would go on to change the world. their names are Chad Hurley Steve Chen and jawed Karim.

after their days at PayPal they were interested in creating a video dating website called TuneIn hookup. it was a site where people could upload videos of themselves in order to find dates and as you could guess. it didn't really work all too low as most people weren't really interested in the idea,

 but as it so often happens with these things serendipity would strike one day jared happened to notice how hard it was to find a video of Janet Jackson's wardrobe malfunction anywhere on the Internet.

 this sparked an idea and the lack of James wardrobe malfunction was realized as a market need and the solution to this need would change the world. they just needed the right formula and the perfect formula was found within the existing video sharing site TuneIn hookup. whose name was later changed to YouTube

the website was founded on February 14th 2005 in a humble room above a pizza shop in California. the first video was titled me at the zoo and it was by Jared Karim uploaded on April  23rd 2005. wasn't long before YouTube had his first 1 million hit video. this happened in September 2005 and it was actually a Nike app this ad featured the Brazilian player Ronaldinho and it made Nike one of the first companies to embrace YouTube's promotional potential by 03:17 November 2005.

the site had already received 3.5 million dollars in finisher capital in June of 2006. NBC and YouTube struck a deal this helped the traditional media company into the digital age. after this it wasn't long before the site caught the attention of Google.

 in October 2006 the site was acquired for a cool 1 billion dollars with the co-founders of the site and we just wanted to say thank you. today we have some exciting news for you we've been acquired by Google thanks, thanks to every one of you guys that have been contributing to YouTube the community. we would be wouldn't be anywhere close to where we are without the help of this community. 

thank at the time Google called it the next step in the evolution of the internet. it was a pretty bold thing to say at the time because the company only had 65 employees. things just kept going from strength to strength for YouTube and that year YouTube was one of the fastest growing sites on the entire Internet.

 there's obviously something special here this was really just the beginning. the site was about to become a so personal for many individuals around the world. in May 2007 the YouTube Partner Program came into the picture. this personally changed the lives of many people for the first time YouTube made it possible for everyday people to turn their hobbies into a business.

 about a year later the most successful users were earning six-figure incomes from YouTube in the same year 7 out of the 16 presidential candidates announced their campaigns via YouTube and in July YouTube and CNN hosted their first presidential debate featuring citizens submitted video questions. this was also the first time into bait history where user-generated video drove the debate for some reason.

 this somewhat reminds me of the first televised presidential debate between Nixon and Kennedy in 1960. at the time many said that if it wasn't for the televised session Kennedy would have never been elected so the question is did YouTube actually play a part in history. this time continuing with the story in August of 2007 Google finally decided it was time to start making money and rolled out the first advertisements.

 after this it wasn't long before YouTube truly became mainstream in 2009 Congress and the Vatican launched their YouTube channels and by  2011 features such as YouTube's live streaming allowed real-time footage of anything from rural wedding to the Olympics to live concerts on news  coverage.

 in the same year it became clear that YouTube could do even bigger things. it could influence world history during the 2011 Arab Spring YouTube played an instrumental role in disseminating messages of freedom and democracy. it demonstrated the major cultural movements could now be influenced by social media on a different note.

 in the same year the channel majestic casual was founded. some say that this channel influenced internet music culture with an acute taste for various types of cutting-edge future music of various genres. it brought the music into the limelight. which is now heard everywhere from 2012 onwards you've never really looked back over the years.

 every few months new features have been added to the dismay or joy of many but regardless saw the exponential growth of the website. it really has become its own living breathing culture which is amazing for the short amount of time. that has really been around in full force. so that's all well and good.

what other interesting  things are there about YouTube

 just how big is it? now well it's bigger than TV  according to Google executive chairman Eric Schmidt. he already serves the YouTube is replacing TV watching as a whole he goes on to say that the future of YouTube is now this was in reference to YouTube having passed 1 billion unique visitors every month but he says it's not finished yet he goes on to say wait until he gets a 6 billion or 7 billion unique users a month but that  was two years ago and now everyone is starting to realize just how big YouTube is.

 Even the TV advertisers advertisers are now starting to turn from TV to YouTube and one of those ways is through Google's preferred program where exclusive advertisers which many of them are from TV can choose to advertise on premium YouTube channels. not only this but some very real celebrities have actually made their start from YouTube.

 apologetically one that comes to mind is Justin Bieber but apart from that we have shows like broad city and workaholics which were to mirroring concept shows that got their start from YouTube skits. now they have full seasons on primetime TV and are both enjoying a lot of success but that's not all.

 some quite interesting phenomena is happening just by the sheer amount of video that's on there. when you just have so many people uploading videos some strange things are bound to happen a large number of people who have started to upload their old VHS tapes digitally. because there are just so many people doing this. 

we can already construct entire decades of TV so much. so that if you were a couch potato 20 years ago. that never went outside and just sat down and TV all day the simulation that we get from all these YouTube videos can already be pretty accurate. maybe wondering what I'm talking about here and how do I know this well this is my case in point right here.

There exist a very clever website that was made to mimic the TV reality of the 1970s 1980s and 1990s the sites are called my 70s TV  my 80s TV and my 90's TV respectively. on here you can watch comedy, commercials drama, game shows, movies, music, news, specials sports talk shows,  movie trailers, and just everything from a particular year there's more videos 08:48 being added all the time but already it works like an actual TV of the decade.

 I may be alone on this one but I personally think this is one of the most amazing things I've ever seen on the Internet. it's really like unfiltered history so just finishing off there's so much I can say about YouTube but it's clear that the community is very vibrant as there's new forms of infotainment which channels such as Vsauce or veritasium or even channels for straight learning such as sixty symbols or crash course.

 there's everything from hilarious prank videos with channels such as big doors TV or Andrew Hales amazing special effects with corridor digital or Freddy view or just straight-up comedy with Smosh owners pranks and nigahiga community channel or even the stranger comedy of howtobasic who by the way actually lives around the corner from me in Perth.

 I've actually did used that by some of the surroundings in his videos and I found that absolutely hilarious coming to a close. YouTube definitely has changed the world politically personally for the lives of many and collectively in the way we communicate with each other and tend to consume media throughout society.

YouTube channel strategy

 it's all very very interesting and only time will tell whether its platform goes in another 10 years video on demand has never been so diverse and has never been so good so looking at the big picture all of this really just started from 3 good friends. realizing that there was no existing way of sharing an embarrassing video of Jenna.

 it's funny the way things go anyway this has been to gogo and you've been watching cold fusion don't forget to leave a comment give a thumbs up and subscribe. if you're new thanks for watching and I'll see you again soon for the next video cheers guys have a good one [Music] hey guys to get here just want to thank you guys for watching my YouTube documentary or the documentary on YouTube.

Thumbnails, content, titles, views and audience info
Thumbnails,title, audience,views,YouTube content

 Now let's move on to the next game changing thing. And I'm gonna discuss with you how to actually look at it, so that you know if yours is good or bad, or what's working, or what's not. So we got the thumbnails and titles figured out.

 We went through that last part, where you went, and you were able to figure out what people respond to the most, when it's actually presented to them on YouTube, so they click on it, what happens next. They get to watch you actual video content.

 As content creators, the people that are actually making the content, we're always biased towards our own content. And because of that, YouTube actually gives us information that lets us know how people ar responding to our content. And I don't mean people like your mom, or your brother, or you sister, or like some buddies of yours, I'm talking about if you're getting a thousand views on your video, your gonna get it an idea of how a thousand people responded to your content. And when it comes to YouTube, how long people watch your videos for, is a really important part of YouTube, and how your video perform. 

YouTube gives us something called an audience retention report.  The audience retention report shows us a second to second display of how people respond to our content. Things that you wanna look for here, is you wanna look for total watch time that you're getting per viewer, on average. And you also wanna look at the percentage view. The percentage view, that's like a quality indicator.  If you can people to watch 60, 70% of your video, a lot of people, to watch 60, 70% of your video, then you're really good at putting out quality content.

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