Can India really ban Chinese product

Bycott Chinese product in india
Bycott china

if you look at the growth that we've had in the indian startup ecosystem a majority of it has come in from from funding historically where they recycle global in Can India really ban Chinese product initially then it was $0.10  SoftBank Alibaba you know these are the companies that have very built India's stock of ecosystem whether it is the 50000 months and you know the TA IP

How the market works?
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holding zodmas went F visas visiting India or it is Indian founders like with the Sheikh Osama talking with digital colonization Mukesh Ambani did that to none they listen II during the next
totality campaign also made that argument against Facebook so you've seen that pushback and you know it's kind of ironic in particular that that's Paytm has made this argument given that
paper a majority of 197 communications
with experienced parent company is owned
by a Chinese company so the fact that  there is a pushback against Chinese apps and there are also this circulating that mentioned KTM is that list you know it's basically karmaand.

Facts about companies
 I guess if you think about it you can see this as a kind of protest
against Chinese companies and against China's incursion into our territory I do think that this is a legitimate form of protest although I think it's a bit naive to expect that this is going to have any impact from a geopolitical perspective because companies and countries don't place short term all it will be is like a head it will manage.

Should we remove Chinese apps from mobile?
some explaining this is the fact that removes Chinese apps at least 5 million downloads that's just me in the headlines no one none of us will
remember this money or from now so
countries have a longer vision companies
also have a longer vision I don't think the Chinese companies will be too worried about it I don't think the Chinese government will be one as a perfect in fact I would be very worried about
then shifting to some so calls for they see a switch as being opportunistic because let's face it every individual user faces significant privacy and
security threats when they download apps
and I would rather trust an app that is operating at his noble scale with liabilities in various countries where there are strong data protection laws and we know where there is most Kootenai
from developers in security researchers
as opposed to someone just to meet who
are trying to take advantage of the current situation so I would strongly advise against downloading any app you
know that is non global in nature just
because you don't like a Chinese abut or
an Americana yeah look either smartphones will be owned by a Chinese company all they'll
be built by a Chinese company the iPhone
is famous in China right so I don't think there's any escaping this for example when we roll out spicy that is shoes global debate taking place on on Huawei and their methods of of influence
in America that is espionage as well so they need we need to be very conscious about what kind of network infrastructure we we install and what
kind of control another country has over it
there is a digital Belgian Road initiative in that sense that Chinese apps are have made an international for  a very aggressively over the last few years and also Chinese investments are
also a part of this so India has been one of the largest recipients for Chinese investment over the last three years three to four years I believe
China's Ministry investments in India to be upwards of eighty billion dollars and that is very significant.

Really our government fails   
When it fails up only lip service to startup
ecosystem if you look at the growth that
we've had in the Indian startup ecosystem a majority of it has come in from from funding historically whether it's presided global industries and it was insane Softbank Alibaba you know
these are the companies that have very built India's stock up ecosystems so we need while startup India is a great slogan it really hasn't given any silicon startup space you look at the
Angels that let us put on India startups
on investment in India start of the hampers investment effectively that has now been removed but you know that's the process of doing business in India so this is raising money it does from Indian business that you are going to find it difficult to compete in that in not only in India space but also a global stage how many Indian apps have gone global I can think of the matter that we are mostly a services economy diem must be a back office.
Thank you for reading this article
-mayur nikure

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